Hi, looking to optimize this BGP implementation for a customer, and I am doing this for the first time so I read these:
But I am having trouble understanding why my route maps and route-redistribution statements are not working and wondering if someone has a better guide to tell me how to simply advertise ALL connected interfaces and ALL static routes and I can work from there.
So far I have tried SEVERAL variations of route maps but this is a general one:
set routemap bgp-inbound id 1 on
set routemap bgp-inbound id 1 allow
set routemap bgp-outbound id 1 on
set routemap bgp-outbound id 1 allow
set bgp external remote-as 65000 export-routemap bgp-outbound preference 1 on
set bgp external remote-as 65000 import-routemap bgp-inbound preference 1 on
set bgp internal import-routemap bgp-inbound preference 1 on
set bgp internal export-routemap bgp-outbound preference 1 on
set route-redistribution to bgp-as 65000 from interface all on
set route-redistribution to bgp-as 65000 from static-route all-ipv4-routes on

This is the static route I would like to be distributed into BGP.

I dont see it advertised...
What is the most optimal way to fix this? I don't want to advertise every single static route as per Lesley_Willems2 solution in https://community.checkpoint.com/t5/Security-Gateways/announcing-Routes-via-BGP/td-p/8154#
Any help is appreciated, and Ill try to clarify things that I have overcomplicated 🙂