Hi Team, This is R80.20 and my packets are getting dropped with below error which I captured using fw ctl zdebug. There is a PBR configured on firewall for source IP x.x.x.x for Internet as destination.
Surprisingly web traffic works fine however only ICMP is getting dropped. Any reason why? I tried searching through lot of SKs however none of them was pinpoint to the below error neither any one has worked
@;3779257712;[cpu_3];[fw4_0];fw_log_drop_ex: Packet proto=1 x.x.x.x:2048 -> dropped by fw_filter_chain Reason: [NTUP] returned Drop for reused conn;
@;3779396743;[cpu_3];[fw4_0];fw_log_drop_ex: Packet proto=1 x.x.x.x:2048 -> dropped by fw_filter_chain Reason: [NTUP] returned Drop for reused conn;
@;3779497504;[cpu_3];[fw4_0];fw_log_drop_ex: Packet proto=1 x.x.x.x:2048 -> dropped by fw_filter_chain Reason: [NTUP] returned Drop for reused conn;
@;3779590799;[cpu_3];[fw4_0];fw_log_drop_ex: Packet proto=1 x.x.x.x:2048 -> dropped by fw_filter_chain Reason: [NTUP] returned Drop for reused conn;
Thanks and Regards,
Blason R