Hi everyone,
I found an interesting part of documentation regarding the Integer Kernel Parameters and String Kernel Parameters.
It is possible with a command to show a list of all the parameters and string and the values that have been set.
This is stated in: https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/R81.20/WebAdminGuides/EN/CP_R81.20_SecurityGateway_Guide/Conten...
These are the steps for Integer parameters:
Connect to the command line on your
/ each
Note - On Scalable Platforms (Maestro and Chassis), you must connect to the applicable Security Group.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Make sure you can get the list of the available integer kernel parameters and their values without errors:
Note - The configuration of your Security Gateway might not support all kernel parameters. As a result, the Security Gateway might fail to get the value of some kernel parameters.
modinfo -p $FWDIR/boot/modules/fw_kern*.o | sort -u | grep ':int param' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} ; {print $1}' | xargs -n 1 fw ctl get int
If in the previous step there were no errors, get the list of the available integer kernel parameters and their values, and save the list to a file:
modinfo -p $FWDIR/boot/modules/fw_kern*.o | sort -u | grep ':int param' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} ; {print $1}' | xargs -n 1 fw ctl get int 1>> /var/log/fw_integer_kernel_parameters.txt 2>> /var/log/fw_integer_kernel_parameters.txt
Analyze the output file:
For string it is similar:
Connect to the command line on your Security Gateway / each Cluster Member.
Note - On Scalable Platforms (Maestro and Chassis), you must connect to the applicable Security Group.
Log in to the Expert mode.
Make sure you can get the list of the available integer kernel parameters and their values without errors:
Note - The configuration of your Security Gateway might not support all kernel parameters. As a result, the Security Gateway might fail to get the value of some kernel parameters.
modinfo -p $FWDIR/boot/modules/fw_kern*.o | sort -u | grep ':string param' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} ; {print $1}' | xargs -n 1 fw ctl get str
If in the previous step there were no errors, get the list of the available string kernel parameters and their values, and save the list to a file:
modinfo -p $FWDIR/boot/modules/fw_kern*.o | sort -u | grep ':string param' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} ; {print $1}' | xargs -n 1 fw ctl get str 1>> /var/log/fw_string_kernel_parameters.txt 2>> /var/log/fw_string_kernel_parameters.txt
Analyze the output file:
I have tried step 3 on a few gateways but it get's stuck on different parameter and does not proceed with the rest.
Step 4 output file contains only an error.
Anyone has an idea how to generate the full list and skip the ones that give an error?
(I cut out the above parameters)
bypass_on_enhanced_ssl_inspection = 0
bypass_reverse_dns_rad_request = 1
ccc_in_separate_daemon = 0
ccc_policy_timestamp = 0
Get operation failed: failed to get parameter ccl_correct_dr_between_chassis
get: Operation failed
xargs: fw: terminated by signal
Different gateway:
fwconn_tracker_monitor = 'default'
fwha_azure_default_mac = '12:34:56:78:9a:bc'
fwha_group_of_bonds_str = ''
Get operation failed: failed to get parameter fwha_mbs_amw_policy_time_formated_str
get: Operation failed
xargs: fw: terminated by signal 9
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