Hello all,
We have 3 VSX appliances which work in VSLS mode. I created new regular VLAN interface (bond0.111) on one of the virtual systems. Everything on the management seemed fine, but after that I noticed that VLAN interface was created only on one of the VSX members and it's missing on the others. Hence currently we have only one Active VS and the others are in DOWN state, which is a normal behaviour after one of the VSs has more interfaces than the others. I didn't try to add the interface manually on the other two members, because we prefer to configure everything on the VSX cluster from the SmartConsole. We've never seen that issue on the previous version R80.30. It started when we upgraded to R81.10. I have tried cpstop/cpstart on the affected VS, but it didn't help. I know we can try to create the missing interface manually, but this is not the point. I want when I create something from the SmartConsole to be working properly.
The software version of the VSX appliances is R81.10 with JHF Take 45.
Have you ever seen similar issue on your environments? Ticket was opened also to TAC.
Thank you!