Hey there
We are running a HA-Pair of two VSX12200 with 4 virtual firewalls in Load-Sharing-Mode (VSLS).
As of today, each of the virtual firewalls has his own dedicated 1G-Interface with a vlan-trunk.
- eth0: Vlan-Trunk (16 vlans), vfw-customer-01
- eth1: Vlan-Trunk (72 vlans), vfw-customer-02
- eth2: Vlan-Trunk (73 vlans), vfw-customer-03
- eth3: Vlan-Trunk (24 vlans), vfw-customer-04
- eth7: Sync
- Mgt: Management
- eth1-01: new 10G slave interface for bond1
- eth1-02: new 10G slave interface for bond1
We want to move all Vlans/Interfaces (excluding mgt & sync) to a new 10G Bond (2 slave interfaces).
According to the R80.10 documentation i would use the following procedure:
- CLI: Create new bond interface on both physical members (bond1, lacp/802.3ad)
- SmartConsole: Open Cluster-Object -> Physical Interfaces -> Add -> bond1, tick Vlan-Trunk
- SmartConsole: Open Cluster-Object -> Topology -> Open each slave interface properties (eth1-01, eth1-02) and select bond-interface
- SmartConsole: Install the Policy
- CLI: Reconfigure topology with "vsx_util change_interfaces" for each interface (eth0 -> bond1, eth1 -> bond1, ...)
- SmartConsole: Install the Policy
Am i missing something important or is this the way to move all Vlans to a new interface-bond?
At the moment, i can't see the eth1-01 and eth1-02 interfaces in topology view (see screenshot).
I assume they will show up, once the bond1 is created, correct?
Thanks and kind regards,