Hi Andy,
thanks for the reply and apologies for the late response...
I have investigated further and it appears, that the "out of state" drop is rather a symptom of the disconnect than the reason.
I have compared several drops with the timestamps of the server logs.
At the exact time, when the disconnects happen, I see the creation of a new session in smart log, while the "out of state" drop of an old session happens always approx 2-3 Minutes later.
So we were thinking if it might be the exhaustion of a connection limit. Is there any limit regarding a certain client to server connection and if so, how can you check it?
Or is there only the overall connection limit, which seems to be fine:
[Expert@vistradpsg01-ch01-02:0]# fw ctl pstat
Virtual System Capacity Summary:
Physical memory used: 26% (7180 MB out of 26862 MB) - below watermark
Kernel memory used: 4% (1247 MB out of 26862 MB) - below watermark
Virtual memory used: 22% (6879 MB out of 30970 MB) - below watermark
Used: 5707 MB by FW, 1152 MB by zeco
Concurrent Connections: 69976 (Unlimited)
Aggressive Aging is enabled, not active
Kernel memory (kmem) statistics:
Total memory bytes used: 2951060456 peak: 4987824800
Allocations: 0 alloc, 0 failed alloc
0 free, 0 failed free
1266493961 total, 0 alloc, 0 free,
936468 dup, 1846573516 get, 119656808 put,
4077052114 len, 1949625316 cached len, 0 chain alloc,
0 chain free
2392359448 total, 1072002975 TCP, 647604162 UDP, 672238786 ICMP,
513525 other, 651 anticipated, 0 recovered, 69981 concurrent,
145491 peak concurrent
50478 fragments, 24473 packets, 1 expired, 0 short,
0 large, 5 duplicates, 0 failures
84890/0 forw, 64538/0 bckw, 0 tcpudp,
149428 icmp, 38427-78355 alloc
If I look for all connections to the Master, who is contacted by lots of agents
[Expert@vistradpsg01-ch01-01:0]# fw ctl conntab | grep "Jenkins Master" | wc -l
And one specific agent has only 5 sessions...
[Expert@vistradpsg01-ch01-01:0]# fw ctl conntab | grep | wc -l
Do you or anyone else think there might be an issue?
Thanks in advance and BR,