I need to allow access to a URL to a particular IP.
I have separate Firewall+APPC&URLF layers.
I have rules allowing access on both layers.
I have also "Bypassed" at HTTPs Inspection level the page to consume, but the problem of the IP to access the domain, still remains.
At the log level, I don't see a log like Drop or Reject, rather, it seems to be all right, as it shows that the flow is "allowed".
The URL to which the user wants to access is https://apps2.mef.gob.pe/siafmib/
Is there a way to make a good filter at LOGS level that allows me to confirm, if the GW is really blocking or not the connection to the IP?
Destination: https://apps2.mef.gob.pe/siafmib/
Thanks for any comments.