I use the following site, and it converts every time for me:
When using your command example above, the output is correct, and converted correctly using the site above.
[Expert@LabR8030:0]# fw tab -u -t connections | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
1 ac1aa202,
1 0a0101fb,
1 0a01010f,
Do not include the leading '1' when inputting to the website.
However, the nature of your task has been provided by Check Point in a more verbose tool.
I would highly recommend using the "ConnStat" Tool, provided by Check Point.
It will provide top-talkers, top-rules, top-services, etc...
Please find sk85780 - How to use the 'connstat' utility.