A couple of weeks ago I was staging a couple of new R80.10 boxes and we were using a list of commands that we normally use for R77.30, including the setting of admin password, the expert password, an additional bash user and some SNMPv3 users. All these commands use hashed passwords that we copied from the show configuration output.
After we were done and tried to login it just completely failed on all those passwords. There is a way to recover when the unit is already connected to the management, which i had luckily. For this see sk106490 How to remotely reset Admin / Expert password on a Security Gateway from a Security Management Server.
One of the items here is this one:
Generate hash for the new password - run the following command and save the generated hash string:
[Expert@HostName]# /sbin/grub-md5-crypt
I have no clue if there really is a difference between R77.30 and R80.10, we have not been triple checking but I really don't know what went wrong here. What I do know is that the above SK saved my day and on top of that I can also tell you the method used here also works on embedded GAIA R77.20 boxes.
Regards, Maarten