I'm sorry, but I don't understand your advice.... My SND configuration:

Here we can see:
Best Practice - We recommend to allocate an additional CPU core to the CoreXL SND only if all these conditions are met:
There are at least 8 processing CPU cores.
In the output of the top command, the idle values for the CPU cores that run the CoreXL SND instances are in the 0%-5% range.
In the output of the top command, the sum of the idle values for the CPU cores that run the CoreXL Firewall instances is significantly higher than 100%.
If at least one of the above conditions is not met, the default CoreXL configuration is sufficient.
Whan I see cpview for CPU (screens are upper), I see, that about 100% utilization CPUs are mapped for fw_workers. I see never 100% utilization of SND cores.
And I'm sorry, but I can't understand, how to add 2 cores from fw to SND.... Am I need to decrease number of fw_workers in cpconfog only and free cores are automatically were added to SND after rebooting? Or to increase the number of SND cores I need to go some other way, which I have not yet been able to find?