Hello mates,
I have an issue with some FW overloads, while not so much traffic and connections are passing trough.
We have identified several heavy connections coming from S2S VPN taking about 80 % of a CPU core.
After some analysis with tcpdump/wireshark it appears that this connection bandwidth is about 162kbit/s for about 10 min capture (7mb file).
This is pretty slow connection for me, but is eating a lot of resources.
Devices are powerful enough - Supermicro equivalent of CP 5900, three devices with R80.30 running in a HA Cluster.
About 300Mb/s overall bandwidth and 65k connections according to CPview. TP blades are activated with IA and AppCtrl. (no HTTPS inspection)
Could you give me some hints how to find out if this connection is accelerated or is passing through F2F path.
Also tried to add to fast_accel table, but there are no hits and suppose traffic from VPN cannot be passed to fast_accel.