you need to select the 3rd option with vpn routing tab in the community.
it will create vpn routing on your satellites GWs to have all subnets not explicitly defined with other vpn targets to go via the center.
be aware that it will have an impact. the satellites GWs will expect to get all the traffic from any address to come encrypted. hence even if you try to open ssh from internet to the GW it will be dropped by "clear text packet should be encrypted".
you can overcome it with "excluded services" in the community -> applied to all community, or by crypt.def file for specific exclusions, or by selecting "Exclude gateway external ip address from the VPN domain" in gw object > network mgmt > vpn domain. (only exist in GAIA)
it will also affect the GW communication itself to the internet, so if you manage your GWs with Smart-1 cloud for example the internet from GW will go via the tunnel. again you can use one of the above (most suitable is crypt.def for this)
if it's route based VPN you will need to have route or PBR that routes default towards this VTI