HTTPS Inspection - Best Practices (sk108202) and the HTTPS Inspection FAQ (sk65123) detail the performance impact one has to be aware of. Also make sure you have the latest available Jumbo Hotfix R77.30 | R80.10 installed. We're using HTTPS Inspection for almost all our customers. Check Point has developed various HTTPS Inspection performance boosts over the years. Most of the issues related to HTTPS Inspection as described in Check Points Knowledgebase are fixed with the latest Jumbo Hotfixes.
HTTPS Inspection requires the Security Gateway to perform extra SSL work:
- SSL handshake with the secure web site and with the client browser.
- Decrypt & re-encrypt all SSL traffic, to be able to inspect it.
This has some performance impact on SSL capacity and latency, but in normal situations the end user should not be aware of it.
HTTPS Inspection creates additional load on Security Gateway's CPU due to these reasons:
- SSL termination, encrypt/decrypt and active TCP termination that consume CPU resources (Note: The SSL handshake rate was significantly improved in R77.30 - refer to sk103081 and to sk104717).
- Additional traffic is inspected by the security blades.
It is possible to approximate the effect of HTTPS Inspection activation under the following disclaimers:
- Representing a typical, outbound configuration (low or none inbound HTTPS Inspection traffic) with 36% HTTPS.
- Using R77.30 with either NGTP (Firewall, IPS, Application Control, URL Filtering, Anti-Virus, and Anti-Bot), or NGFW (Firewall, IPS and Application Control) software blades for inspection.
- Data Center scenario requires specific modeling.
The rational is that under the disclaimers written above, the impact on required Security Power (SPU) is 60% to 100% higher depending on the enabled software blades (the more blades are already enabled, the smaller the additional impact of HTTPS Inspection will be).
Therefore, when enabling HTTPS Inspection in an existing configuration, the CPU utilization on Security Gateway is expected to increase:
- by factor of 1.6 for NGTP configuration
- by factor of 2 for NGFW configuration
For Check Point Partners: refer to sk108757 - How to estimate the performance impact of HTTPS Inspection using the Appliance Sizing Too....
HTTPS Inspection Enhancements in R77.30 and above
Some HTTPS sites do not load when HTTPS Inspection is enabled, if TLS 1.2 with ECDHE cipher is used
Specific HTTPS sites that use ECDHE ciphers are not accessible when HTTPS Inspection is enabled
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