The root cause may not be IPS update, but a restart of SFWD.
We have observed an issue with the SFWD process across all our 15XX firewalls. The process gradually consumes more memory until it reaches a specific threshold (sfwd_periodic_memory_rss), at which point SFWD is automatically restarted. It's worth noting that a restart of SFWD also triggers an IPS update.
According to Check Point R&D, it is considered normal for a process to not release memory and undergo several restarts throughout the day. This behavior leads to the consequential IPS updates.
In this scenario, it appears that SFWD is the primary concern, and the IPS update is merely a byproduct of the SFWD restarts.Do you also see SFWD often restarting ? ( cpwd_admin list to see the start time )
According to Check Point, R81.10.08 build 1711 is the stable version at this moment, so best to upgrade.