We have a HA cluster that requires a new AWS VPN connection. The tunnel comes up and we can ping across the VTI's no issues.😁
However when adding a route to the remote VTI interface the route does not show up on the gaia routing table.😫
So for example the tunnel interfaces are
ClusterIP - vpnt11 = and we can ping
ClusterIP - vpnt12 = and we can ping
If we add a static route
#set static-route nexthop gateway address o
and look at output of...
#show route destination
the output shows the nexthop as following the default Internet route. (---not the VTI---)
I thought about perhaps overlapping encryption domains clashing so added a temporary routes to different addresses (non private) and they have the same result- they dont show in the routing table towards the VTI.
I then remade the vpn with BGP enabled at AWS.
BGP would not establish with an error - "unable to find interfaces to reach this peer" (even though I can ping the peer)
I enabled multihop and then BGP established. (even though I can ping the peer as a connected interface😂)
If I look at the routes I am learning from the BGP relationship it appears that the next hop is the default gw and not the / (ie not the bgp peer IP's).
What can cause this ?
How can I resolve this ?
(have remade the vpn twice - also recreated it on the AWS side since you cant swap from static to bgp without deleting- very strange- again vpn is up - bgp is allowed and seen decrypted on the vpn correctly - can ping inside the vti)
Look forward to any thoughts.
GW is R80.20