Hi @ShaiF can you please elaborate on this statement:
"Our DDos protections make sure no connections will be open for the suspected tuples."
So if in a R82 VSNext environment if all VS's are set to "Automatically" and a connection-oriented DoS attack is launched against one of the VS's, what is to keep that VS from consuming an excessive amount of memory thus affecting other VS's on the same system?
You mentioned DDoS protections (I assume you mean fwaccel dos), are these enabled by default in a VSNext environment? What would be the best practices for a VSNext environment where some or all VS's are set automatically? I would assume minimally making sure Aggressive Aging is enabled, but how should the Advanced settings for this protection be optimized for this kind of environment? Any recommendations for fwaccel dos settings beyond the defaults in an "automatically" VSXNext environment? Thanks!
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