Found an issue.
After upgrading the SMS we where no longer able to login to SmartConsole. The following message appeared as the symptom.
Error after applying JHFA79
After investigation found SK169253 which basically tells us that the host machine running smartconsole does not support TLS cipher DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256.
I verified this by running the following from powershell prompt:
Get-TlsCipherSuite TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128 | Format-Table -Property Name
As you can see above the required cipher is not listed.
So you would need to add this to the host machine (using SK instructions or via group policies)
Question is why is this now a restriction and where is it documented in the Jumbo list?
In the meantime we have reverted back to JHFA70 which works fine.
People just be aware of this requirement when applying JHFA79 as it may not show up in a LAB, but in a production environment the system hosting smartconsole is likely to be hardened, and therefore you may come across this.
Also the other observation is TLSv1.2 requirement, but implies no TLSv1.3 support so if you only enabled TLSv1.3 on the SMS perhaps this would also break things.