so with the following MTA takes you got AV blade support INSIDE MTA for R80.10 and R80.20:
24.10.18 | R80_10_mta Take 21 | 8010.991003028 | - Alignment to R80.20 MTA engine update
- Anti-Virus over MTA support
10.10.18 | R80_20_mta Take 7 | 8020.991002075 | The following are available in R80.20 Gateway & Management: - Anti-Virus over MTA support
Mail Transfer Agent Update - What's New
Make sure you have installed latest take via CPUSE:

AV configuration
So with these takes you get AV feature inside MTA.
This means you configure AV as usual in your profile and this will be enforced on email inside MTA (no stream blocking issues anymore):

AV action
The action that is taken by AV is shared also with TE in this section of the TP profile:

AV logging
After enabling you will see malicious AV events in MTA:

AV file type blocking
You can also leverage AV´s file blocking capabilities including Magic Byte detection.
Here is a sample configuration to block all Executables directly attached to email messages:

And the related log:

Regards Thomas