We had a problem with the backup upload to the FTP server hanging up. The backup was saving to the server, but the Gaia Portal was showing the backup process.
We used the following commands from sk118752 to solve the problem:
[Expert@GW1:0]# rm /tmp/.lock.backup_restore
[Expert@GW1:0]# rm /var/CPsnapshot/tmp/cpbackup_util_*.lock
[Expert@GW1:0]# rm /var/CPsnapshot/tmp/backup_util.lock
[Expert@GW1:0]# rm /var/CPbackup/backups/.last_backup_status
[Expert@GW1:0]# rm /var/log/CPbackup/backups/.last_backup_status
BUT, when deleting the blocking files, a window appears with the completion of the task, which specifies a different protocol (TFTP instead of FTP) and the old address of the destination server.
We used to upload to TFTP, but that's irrelevant now.
By entering the command
[Expert@HostName]#ps aux | grep -i back
we don't see anything.
The problem repeats every time.
Please tell me how to solve this problem.
Does some configuration file of the scheduler seem to have some information about an old, uncompleted task?
If so, please tell me, where is the information on failed tasks kept?
Or where can I find a configuration file with the BackUp Scheduler tasks?