Hello Dear,
I am newcomer to Checkpoint solutions but I always knew they were the best in the field of Firewall.
My employer had a market in a bank which also its first market with the solution of Checkpoint and what made it possible to have this market is especially its "SandBlast" Blades Extraction & Emulation. But this has left grievances, discontent with the old provider of this bank that already provides FORTIGATE solutions.
We will have a big meeting with this client and the other suppliers ; providers like FORTIGATE. So let me ask you a few questions to be ready to convince, reassure the customer again to have chosen Checkpoint as Firewall solution:
1- You will see attached a type of topology for a transitional phase where the Appliance is in the local network to be like a proxy
a-What are the advantages and disadvantages of this architecture.
b-The good practices of this architecture to allow the solution to be efficient.
2- What are the main particularities and the differences between of Checkpoint's SandBlast and other SandBoxing like Forti Sandbox (Fortinet)
3- Is It possible for the Checkpoint NGTX to inform other security equipment of the signature of detected malware? If YES how and if NO how to solve this problem?
4- To finish according to you why choose CheckPoint?
I am very grateful for the help you will give me and your answers will allow me to also reassure myself of the CheckPoint solutions because I am a pure product of Cisco.
Thanks to you.