Hey guys,
Figured would share this in case anyone experiences the same issue. Govermnent client purchased brand new 6400 appliances and we did config and everything (cutover tonight, fingers crossed goes well), but one of the boxes had orange light on eth1 port and no matter what we did, could not get rid of it, rebooted, disabled/re-enabled port, ran hardware diag tool, all green. Even TAC person was a bit perplexed by it, but customer told me another person from different government branch told them they had same issue with different CP appliance and solution was to shut down the box (or halt it), power it on and that was it, all good now.
In all my years with CP, I never encountered such a problem that needed shut down, but hey, learn something new every day.
Figured would share in case someone else experiences the same 🙂
Best and have a nice weekend folks.
Woohoo, weekend.