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Need to know SFP details

Hi Team,


we have a HA pair of Checkpoint 6000 appliances connecting to switches. For one firewall in cluster, we have connection towards switch with one SFP but for another firewall a connection to switch is missing. to order new SFP, we are looking for existing SFP details so that we can order the same. can someone please guide how to get SFP details from existing setup?

firewall version is R81.10

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For Maestro run:

echo;echo Collecting transceiver data...;tor_util get_all_ports_optic_enf_st -v|grep is|tr ' ' '\n'|tr -d ,|grep [[:digit:]]|while read port;do echo "--------------- Port: $port ---------------";mlxlink -d $(mst status|grep direct|head -n1|awk '{print $1}') -p $port -m|sed '/Power\|Bias\|Volt\|Temp\|Alarm\|CDR\|Digit\|Wave\|Version\|Att\|Rev\|OUI\|Cable\|---\|Info\|Link\|Loop\|FEC\|Width/d';done|sed -z 's/\nStatus/Status/g'|more;transceiver_verifier -v|sed "s/[Uu]nsupported/"$'\033\[91m&\033\[0m/g'|sed -e "s/^[Ss]upported/"$'\033\[32m&\033\[0m/g';echo

And for normal gateways:

echo;if [[ -f "/etc/cp-release" ]] && ! [[ `grep Embed /etc/cp-release` ]];then stat=`cpstat os`;tput bold;echo -n "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name:"|sed 's/Appliance Name://'|tr -s ' '|tr -d '\n';if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Maestro"` ]] && [[ `grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo; echo -n " ";grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"|tr -d '\n';fi;tput sgr0;if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep Manufacturer|grep CheckPoint` ]];then echo -n " (Serial: `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance SN"|awk '{print $NF}'`, MAC: `dmidecode -t1|grep UUID|awk '{print $NF}' FS=-|sed 's/../&:/g; s/:$//'`)";fi;echo;echo;sfps=0;tput bold;echo " Line cards";tput sgr0;if [[ `find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null` ]]; then find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null|while read line;do grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_vendor'` /etc/hw_info/linecard.lst|grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_device'`|awk -F ',' '{print "Model: "$3" Type: "$4}'|tr -d '"'|tr -s " "|tr -d "\t"|sed "s/\bModel\b/\x1b[1;\t1m&\x1b[m/g;s/\bType\b/\x1b[1;1m&\x1b[m/g;";done;else echo -e "\n\t-";fi;echo;phys=`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'|wc -l`;echo "`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'`"|while read line;do if [[ `ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null` ]];then sfps=1;tput bold;echo " "$line;tput sgr0;etht=`ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|awk '/Transceiver type/ && ++count==1{sub(/Transceiver type/,"Transceiver_type")} 1'|grep 'Identifier\|Transceiver_type\|Length\|Vendor name\|Vendor SN\|Vendor PN'|sed 's/Transceiver_type/Transceiver type/'|grep -v ': 0m\|: 0km'`;file=`find /etc/hcp/tests -name hcp_optic_info.json|head -n1`;data=`cat $file|$CPDIR/jq/jq -e -r ".transceivers.CheckPoint_PartNumber[\"$(ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|grep 'Vendor PN'|awk '{print $NF}')\"]"`;if [[ $? -eq 1 ]];then echo "$etht";if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name"|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo -e "\n\tSKU auto-detect failed. Manually retrieve SKU with this command:";tput bold;echo -e "\tgrep SKU $file|grep -v \"TBD\"";tput sgr0;fi;else echo "$etht$data"|sed "s/^[ \t]*//"|tr -d '"{},'|tr -s " "|sed "s/:/@:/"|column -t -s '@'|sed "s/^/\t/"|grep -v "TBD"$;fi;echo;fi;((phys--));if [[ $phys -eq 0 ]] && [[ sfps -eq 0 ]];then echo -e " \033[1;31mNo SFPs/DACs found! \033[m\n";fi;done;unset stat sfps phys etht line data file;else echo -e " \033[1;31mUnsupported OS! \033[m\n";fi
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View solution in original post

4 Replies
Mentor Mentor

For Maestro run:

echo;echo Collecting transceiver data...;tor_util get_all_ports_optic_enf_st -v|grep is|tr ' ' '\n'|tr -d ,|grep [[:digit:]]|while read port;do echo "--------------- Port: $port ---------------";mlxlink -d $(mst status|grep direct|head -n1|awk '{print $1}') -p $port -m|sed '/Power\|Bias\|Volt\|Temp\|Alarm\|CDR\|Digit\|Wave\|Version\|Att\|Rev\|OUI\|Cable\|---\|Info\|Link\|Loop\|FEC\|Width/d';done|sed -z 's/\nStatus/Status/g'|more;transceiver_verifier -v|sed "s/[Uu]nsupported/"$'\033\[91m&\033\[0m/g'|sed -e "s/^[Ss]upported/"$'\033\[32m&\033\[0m/g';echo

And for normal gateways:

echo;if [[ -f "/etc/cp-release" ]] && ! [[ `grep Embed /etc/cp-release` ]];then stat=`cpstat os`;tput bold;echo -n "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name:"|sed 's/Appliance Name://'|tr -s ' '|tr -d '\n';if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Maestro"` ]] && [[ `grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo; echo -n " ";grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"|tr -d '\n';fi;tput sgr0;if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep Manufacturer|grep CheckPoint` ]];then echo -n " (Serial: `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance SN"|awk '{print $NF}'`, MAC: `dmidecode -t1|grep UUID|awk '{print $NF}' FS=-|sed 's/../&:/g; s/:$//'`)";fi;echo;echo;sfps=0;tput bold;echo " Line cards";tput sgr0;if [[ `find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null` ]]; then find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null|while read line;do grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_vendor'` /etc/hw_info/linecard.lst|grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_device'`|awk -F ',' '{print "Model: "$3" Type: "$4}'|tr -d '"'|tr -s " "|tr -d "\t"|sed "s/\bModel\b/\x1b[1;\t1m&\x1b[m/g;s/\bType\b/\x1b[1;1m&\x1b[m/g;";done;else echo -e "\n\t-";fi;echo;phys=`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'|wc -l`;echo "`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'`"|while read line;do if [[ `ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null` ]];then sfps=1;tput bold;echo " "$line;tput sgr0;etht=`ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|awk '/Transceiver type/ && ++count==1{sub(/Transceiver type/,"Transceiver_type")} 1'|grep 'Identifier\|Transceiver_type\|Length\|Vendor name\|Vendor SN\|Vendor PN'|sed 's/Transceiver_type/Transceiver type/'|grep -v ': 0m\|: 0km'`;file=`find /etc/hcp/tests -name hcp_optic_info.json|head -n1`;data=`cat $file|$CPDIR/jq/jq -e -r ".transceivers.CheckPoint_PartNumber[\"$(ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|grep 'Vendor PN'|awk '{print $NF}')\"]"`;if [[ $? -eq 1 ]];then echo "$etht";if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name"|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo -e "\n\tSKU auto-detect failed. Manually retrieve SKU with this command:";tput bold;echo -e "\tgrep SKU $file|grep -v \"TBD\"";tput sgr0;fi;else echo "$etht$data"|sed "s/^[ \t]*//"|tr -d '"{},'|tr -s " "|sed "s/:/@:/"|column -t -s '@'|sed "s/^/\t/"|grep -v "TBD"$;fi;echo;fi;((phys--));if [[ $phys -eq 0 ]] && [[ sfps -eq 0 ]];then echo -e " \033[1;31mNo SFPs/DACs found! \033[m\n";fi;done;unset stat sfps phys etht line data file;else echo -e " \033[1;31mUnsupported OS! \033[m\n";fi
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Awesome @Lesley . Just ran it on R82 lab and worked like a charm 🙂


Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)

Line cards


No SFPs/DACs found!

0 Kudos

Thanks a ton.. it is a great solution indeed 🙂

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Employee Employee

sk92755 lists the supported SFPs for the 6000 series appliances. By default the "Plus" variant will ship with SR SFPs.

If you know what is in the switch in terms of SFP it will be easy to align.

You can also see which check point SFP you have in the Accessories part of Product Center / Usercenter.




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