For Maestro run:
echo;echo Collecting transceiver data...;tor_util get_all_ports_optic_enf_st -v|grep is|tr ' ' '\n'|tr -d ,|grep [[:digit:]]|while read port;do echo "--------------- Port: $port ---------------";mlxlink -d $(mst status|grep direct|head -n1|awk '{print $1}') -p $port -m|sed '/Power\|Bias\|Volt\|Temp\|Alarm\|CDR\|Digit\|Wave\|Version\|Att\|Rev\|OUI\|Cable\|---\|Info\|Link\|Loop\|FEC\|Width/d';done|sed -z 's/\nStatus/Status/g'|more;transceiver_verifier -v|sed "s/[Uu]nsupported/"$'\033\[91m&\033\[0m/g'|sed -e "s/^[Ss]upported/"$'\033\[32m&\033\[0m/g';echo
And for normal gateways:
echo;if [[ -f "/etc/cp-release" ]] && ! [[ `grep Embed /etc/cp-release` ]];then stat=`cpstat os`;tput bold;echo -n "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name:"|sed 's/Appliance Name://'|tr -s ' '|tr -d '\n';if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Maestro"` ]] && [[ `grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo; echo -n " ";grep original_name /etc/appliance_config.xml|tr '<>' '\n'|grep "Check Point"|tr -d '\n';fi;tput sgr0;if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep Manufacturer|grep CheckPoint` ]];then echo -n " (Serial: `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance SN"|awk '{print $NF}'`, MAC: `dmidecode -t1|grep UUID|awk '{print $NF}' FS=-|sed 's/../&:/g; s/:$//'`)";fi;echo;echo;sfps=0;tput bold;echo " Line cards";tput sgr0;if [[ `find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null` ]]; then find /sys/class/net -name eth*-01 2>/dev/null|while read line;do grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_vendor'` /etc/hw_info/linecard.lst|grep `cat $line'/device/subsystem_device'`|awk -F ',' '{print "Model: "$3" Type: "$4}'|tr -d '"'|tr -s " "|tr -d "\t"|sed "s/\bModel\b/\x1b[1;\t1m&\x1b[m/g;s/\bType\b/\x1b[1;1m&\x1b[m/g;";done;else echo -e "\n\t-";fi;echo;phys=`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'|wc -l`;echo "`find /sys/class/net/*/device|awk -F '/' '{print $5}'`"|while read line;do if [[ `ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null` ]];then sfps=1;tput bold;echo " "$line;tput sgr0;etht=`ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|awk '/Transceiver type/ && ++count==1{sub(/Transceiver type/,"Transceiver_type")} 1'|grep 'Identifier\|Transceiver_type\|Length\|Vendor name\|Vendor SN\|Vendor PN'|sed 's/Transceiver_type/Transceiver type/'|grep -v ': 0m\|: 0km'`;file=`find /etc/hcp/tests -name hcp_optic_info.json|head -n1`;data=`cat $file|$CPDIR/jq/jq -e -r ".transceivers.CheckPoint_PartNumber[\"$(ethtool -m $line 2>/dev/null|grep 'Vendor PN'|awk '{print $NF}')\"]"`;if [[ $? -eq 1 ]];then echo "$etht";if [[ `echo "$stat"|grep "Appliance Name"|grep "Check Point"` ]];then echo -e "\n\tSKU auto-detect failed. Manually retrieve SKU with this command:";tput bold;echo -e "\tgrep SKU $file|grep -v \"TBD\"";tput sgr0;fi;else echo "$etht$data"|sed "s/^[ \t]*//"|tr -d '"{},'|tr -s " "|sed "s/:/@:/"|column -t -s '@'|sed "s/^/\t/"|grep -v "TBD"$;fi;echo;fi;((phys--));if [[ $phys -eq 0 ]] && [[ sfps -eq 0 ]];then echo -e " \033[1;31mNo SFPs/DACs found! \033[m\n";fi;done;unset stat sfps phys etht line data file;else echo -e " \033[1;31mUnsupported OS! \033[m\n";fi
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