Two 3800 gateways running in a cluster on R80.40 Jumbo 125.
Node "A" in the cluster /var/log/messages full of:
fwk: CLUS-114802-2: State change: DOWN -> STANDBY | Reason: There is already an ACTIVE member in the cluster (member 1)
fwk: CLUS-113900-2: State change: STANDBY -> DOWN | Reason: Mismatch in the number of CoreXL FW instances has been detected
The cluster will not failover to this node.
Tried forcing the number of CoreXL instances to 6 in CPCONFIG and rebooting.
Tried removing nodes from cluster and re-adding.
Any suggestions?
Cluster does show as a healthy cluster in cphaprob stat:
Cluster Mode: High Availability (Active Up) with IGMP Membership
ID Unique Address Assigned Load State Name
1 100% ACTIVE windICSfw1B
2 (local) 0% STANDBY windICSfw1A
Active PNOTEs: None
Last member state change event:
Event Code: CLUS-114802
State change: DOWN -> STANDBY
Reason for state change: There is already an ACTIVE member in the cluster (member 1)
Event time: Thu Jan 13 09:36:39 2022
Last cluster failover event:
Transition to new ACTIVE: Member 2 -> Member 1
Reason: Mismatch in the number of CoreXL FW instances has been detected
Event time: Tue Jan 11 14:19:18 2022
Cluster failover count:
Failover counter: 3007
[Expert@windICSfw1A:0]# grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
[Expert@windICSfw1B:0]# grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
[Expert@windICSfw1A:0]# fw ctl affinity -l -r -a
CPU 0: Mgmt
CPU 1: fw_5
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 2: fw_3
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 3: fw_1
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 4:
CPU 5: fw_4
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 6: fw_2
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 7: fw_0
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd pepd rad rtmd wsdnsd in.asessiond vpnd usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
Interface eth5: has multi queue enabled
Interface eth1: has multi queue enabled
Interface eth2: has multi queue enabled
[Expert@windICSfw1B:0]# fw ctl affinity -l -r -a
CPU 0: Mgmt
CPU 1: fw_5
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 2: fw_3
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 3: fw_1
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 4:
CPU 5: fw_4
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 6: fw_2
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
CPU 7: fw_0
mpdaemon fwd cprid lpd vpnd rad rtmd wsdnsd pepd in.asessiond usrchkd in.acapd cprid cpd
Interface eth5: has multi queue enabled
Interface eth1: has multi queue enabled
Interface eth2: has multi queue enabled
License looks correct CPSG-C-8-U