we are running an Checkpoint Gateway Cluster on 80.30. We have a rather simple setup:
eth1 connects to internal
eth2 unused
eth5 connects to external
eth6 unused
The cluster syncs over an dedicated sync interface. Theres no mgmt interface.
now , on both devices, we want to bond eth1+eth2 and eth5+eth6 while keeping the IP config of the used Interface. Ideally without any downtime.
Our inital plan was to configure the Bonding on the passive device and switch it to active by doing an failover. But as i was writing my notes i noticed that i very probably wont be able to do an failover because, for instance, the eth1 cluster interface will be missing on one of the members after the bond was configured. But i also cannot take the interface out of the cluster (turn cluster interface to private) since the virtual IP is used as our internal def. gw..
The only way im seeing is to take 2 completely unused ports, bond & connect them physically and then during a much shorter downtime window take out eth1, and configure the IP to newly created bond. Then assign it as a cluster interface while unassigning eth1.
Is there a possibility how i could do this procedure without any downtime?
Or will the Failover work, if one of the cluster-interfaces is not existing on the passive device while i enter "clusterXL_admin down" on the active device?
I hope its clear what i mean, please let me know if i should clarify it more.
Thanks in Advance, have a nice day 🙂