@PhoneBoy @the_rock
May be If the below description helps.
JHF Take 197 is installed on both Gaeywats and the management server
One scenario may be helping in this case is we have a IPSec tunnel with a third party with 3 Local ED's and 6 Remote ED's of different subnets on the same peer. Previosuly, on the tunnel managment option of VPN Community, One VPN Tunnel per subnet pair is selected. And at a time 1 ED is working and all other ED's are down on phase 2. Then I have selected One VPN tunnel per gateway pair, and now all the ED's are UP on phase 2.
All 6 Remote ED's are reaching our Local ED's But Our local ED's ca't reach the Remote ED's. The partner said the traffic is not reaching their destination. When I checked from checkpoint Log it shows Connection terminated.
Does selecting VPN tunnel per gateway pair have an impact?