Hi all,
I am testing how DLP works by FTPing text file containing non-existent organization identity.
The test itself turned out to be successful, apart from the point CP does not produce any alert mail.
I configured it with SmartDashboard to use internal AlmaLinux mail server.
In order to make the problem clear, I firstly tried fw monitor on the CP where DLP is working,
restaging the same scenario.
The console says something, so I read the captured file by cat, only to find it not human-friendly.
That is what I am having trouble with.
The two points I would like to make clear follows;
1. fw monitor file is supposed to be analysed with Wireshark? If so is there any specific procedure to
make it Wireshark-readable?
2. What else do you suggest I should check in this case?
I have only a few month experience of CP and Linux system.
Therefore, your personal experience as well as documentation would much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
sliver bullet: casting repero or tossing it into the harbor