I wanted to find out if other people have this issue. We occasionally run into websites that display untrusted certificate errors when in fact these sites do have trusted certificate. A detect log indicates that the Certificate Chain is not signed by a Trusted CA, which is NOT TRUE. It is signed, but when I run the test with www.ssllabs.com, they state the website has a broken chain. It's a certificate from a valid CA, just whoever installed the certificate on these sites, may not know how to install them properly to include the full chain. The sites i'm actually speaking of that we've had the most trouble with are 'usda.gov' sites. The most current one is 'usdalinc.sc.egov.usda.gov'. It seems like what SOMETIMES fixes this is adding the server certificate into the trusted CA. OR i just have to do a bypass which I'd rather not do.
Is there anything or any other option that corrects this issue? That can leave things to where they're inspected, but not indicate the site is untrusted just because of a broken chain on their end? I just want to get other people's take on what they do for this particular scenario.