For what it's worth - I'm a PCI-DSS ISA and have helped a couple of orgs with remediation and compliance efforts. PCI Req. 1.1.7 deals with ruleset reviews and it's as much a process requirement as a technical one, so it's important to keep that in mind.
One can really go deep into the weeds here, and no doubt you have vendors pushing toolsets which will claim to solve your problem with one click of a button but in my opinion the point of origin and the answer to your question "why is a firewall rule good or bad" is simple - is there a documented business justification for the rule?
If the justification for every rule is documented and backed up by CAB minutes which includes risk and impact assessment you'll have a much easier journey with your auditors. There will always be edge cases, like a legacy system supporting only telnet or SSLv3 or this or that, but for that you create a compensating control and move on with your life.
Something that I always recommend my clients do to help ease the review process, is to put the change request nr. in the rule description, and that CR in turn links back to the CMDB system.