Currently, we have not yet tested replacing the patchcord in Eth3 (we are programming a window for that activity).
At the moment, the results of the "netstat -ni | grep eth3" and "ethtool -S eth3", show me the following (I attach it in the post)
From these command results, are there any "indicators" that are "important" to take into account in these scenarios?
What seems strange to me, is the following:
The ARP table of the Cluster machine, which is now running, shows me several "entries" (I get the impression, that it is connected to a SW).
But the ARP table of the "damaged" device, according to my client, the Eth3 interface, is "connected" to an Exinda device (this damaged device does not show me any entry in the ARP table).
The simple fact that it is connected to a device that is not a SW, could be a problem?