Hey guys,
I really want to run something by here, as I have my doubts about TAC claiming this is totally normal. So, customer and I added 2 new VLANS of eth1-01 interface and set them up as clustered with VIPand all, but they dont show up when running cphaprob -a if. The existing vlans of that interface (2 of them, vlan 20 and 500) show up, but new ones (vlans 762 and 764) do NOT, though they show up in virtual cluster interface section from cphaprob -a if, just NOT under required interfaces.
To me, this makes no sense, as I had never ever seen this before. Yes, traffic works, so it could be just cosmetic, but TAC guy said sometimes reboot is needed for this to show up properly (in my 15 years dealing with CP, I never had to reboot firewall when doing this for cluster, not once, so I dont believe for a second that reboot is required).
Any idea what we can do to make those 2 new clustered vlans show up in cphaprob -a if? Version is R81.10 jumbo 81.
Btw, failover works fine, no issues.
Cheers and thanks for the help as always!