Just run into a interesting scenario with CPUSE failing to install take 203 on very last gateway (nearly 40 updated without any issues). Won't be creating TAC case out of pure laziness and too much to do as is
DA agent version is 1677, so all good there and gateway had take 154 installed before attempt to upgrade to 203.
What turned out was that this particular box was recently fully re-built from factory image due to SSD failure (second SSD dying on 5900 appliances! not good trend there). So we went R77.30 > R80.10 > take 154 > backup restore. All went great and box was running like a charm.
But now when I attempted to install take 203 it failed at very early stage with following error:

Digging into more detailed logs I found that CPUSE was looking for an older file that was not there (/opt/CPInstLog/install_cpfc_wrapper_HOTFIX_R80_10_JUMBO_HF.log)

So I compared the deployment agent backup directory contents on both cluster members. /opt/CPda/backup/
This was restored node

and this was the secondary that was in it's "original" state

Ok - bunch of archives missing..
Then it clicked - when we restored the box from backup, we did not install all jumbo HFs that were installed over time originally but went straight to the latest take 154 that was running on the node when backup was taken.
So quick action was simply to copy all missing archives from "original" node /opt/CPda/backup to restored one and then take 203 installation succeeded.
It might be a known issue, but there's a definitely room for improvement for CPUSE in case you use backup for restore instead of snapshot