Can anyone please give me a hint on why Blink PnP isn't working for me.
I have a brand new 6200 appliance. Pre-installed is R81 and FTW isn't run.
I've put "blink_image_1.1_Check_Point_R80.40_T294_JHF_T139_SecurityGateway.tgz" on a blank USB flash drive, formated as NTFS (also tried exFAT)
I've booted up the appliance, I've set an expert password. That's all.
I then insert the USB with the blink-image and all that happens is this line in /var/log/blink_PlugAndPlay.log
[ Wed Jan 5 10:33:47 EST 2022 ] Detecting new usb...
So.. I've figured out that inserting a USB flash drive triggers the script /usr/bin/ Unfortunately the script bails out as it tries to identify the USB flash drive so the USB flash drive never gets mounted.
It never gets past this part of the script:
sleep 5
DRIVEIS=`tail $BLINK_USB_DETECTION -n 100 | grep "assuming" | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 -d":"`
if [[ "X$DRIVEIS" == "X" ]]; then
exit 1
I understand the script looks for the string "assuming" in dmesg output. The problem is that there is no string "assuming" in dmesg output!
I've tried with like eight or nine different USB flash drives from five different vendors without luck.
With some USB flash drives there is a message about "Assuming drive cache: write through" but that doesn't match as the word "Assuming" is with a capital "A". However... I don't think it's supposed to match on that string because if it does, the next part of the script fails to correctly find the drive identifyer (like sdb).
This is the next part:
DRIVE_REAL=`tail $BLINK_USB_DETECTION -n 100 | grep "$DRIVEIS:" | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 -d":" | tr -d " "`
if [[ "X$DRIVE_REAL" == "X" ]]; then
exit 1