Hello checkpoint community.
I am experiencing an asymmetric traffic problem in my lab when I try to use ECMP to advertise a server to 2 IPs from different ISPs at the same time.
I have configured the following default route for my two gateways from each ISP.

Leave the ECMP configuration by default at GAIA.

When both ISP links are UP, I reach the IP with which the server is published on ISP2 through port eth03 but the response returns through eth0, as shown in the following image.

When I run the fw monitor, I see that it sends it through eth0, because that is the default route and that route also uses the public segment of my site 1 from where I am doing the test, I show the image of the fw monitor.

When I download eth0, the default route that the firewall is considering for all traffic, the traffic is no longer asymmetric since my new default route goes through ISP2 where my server is published. I attach the image of the fw monitor.

What remaining configuration in the firewall or ECMP am I missing so that the queries to the published server with an IP from ISP2 are symmetrical?
Laboratory topology