Hello everyone,
I really hope someone can tell me easy way to do this. For example, in Cisco or Fortigate, you can assign specific vpn groups to use authentication you want (say radius, aaa and so on), but on Check Point, I dont know whats best way of doing it, as customer does NOT want to change setting on authentication for vpn on gateway cluster to specific method. What they want to do is this:
Say they have accessrule group called citrix-users ONLY for citrix users and they want to associate that group with radius auth
then they may have tacasc accessrole and they want to associate it with tacacs auth when connecting to vpn site
Possible? I spoke to TAC about it and they did not sound confident at all how this is even supposed to work. we went through setting up user template and then creating ldap group to associate certain AD groups to it, but then its still not clear how to tie that into proper auth...its not clear at all.
If anyone has any insight, I would really appreciate it.