Hi CheckMates,
I wanted to do a cleanup of our current Firewall (R77.30) topology and enable Anti-Spoofing in Prevent mode for all interfaces (yes, it was in Detect mode before...).
I checked all routes and defined the topology based on self created groups for all interfaces containing multiple networks.
The strange thing is that I get Anti-Spoofing logs for outgoing VPN traffic. We have one "company backbone" Interface (eth3) where all traffic to is routed and our Internet Interface is eth0. Our Clients are coming from eth4.
In my logs I can see the following:
For every connection I see a Anti-Spoofing entry coming from eth0 and afterwards the correct VPN message coming from eth4. Strangely enough with fw monitor I can see the traffic coming from eth4:i and eth4:I (which is correct) leaving eth3:o and then finally leaving eth0:o:

I was wondering if you have any idea what's wrong with this setup.