Well, if this is issue still persists to date, perhaps sk43772 should be rewritten, as it is still explicitly states:
Gaia Portal / Gaia Clish will override any settings placed in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. Any changes made to this file do not take effect after a reboot.
To configure threshold level for ARP cache on Gaia OS:
Note: Gaia OS accepts maximal threshold level of 16384.
To check the current threshold level for ARP cache on Gaia OS::
In Gaia Clish:
HostName> show arp table cache-size
In Expert mode:
[Expert@HostName:0]# dbget ip:arp:cache_size
- Once set in the Gaia Portal / Gaia Clish, the settings will survive a reboot.
- Settings are applies immediately (reboot, restart of any services, policy installation are not required)
The Maximum Entries value in the Gaia Portal corresponds to gc_thresh3 parameter in Linux kernel.
Note: In Gaia OS, the value of gc_thresh1 and the value of gc_thresh2 are automatically determined by the value of gc_thresh3 value:
- value of gc_thresh1 is 1/8 the value of gc_thresh3
- value of gc_thresh2 is 1/2 the value of gc_thresh3