Looked at the script (cat /usr/bin/ccc | grep "Unsupported OS") and there is no definition for R81.10.
OS=`cat /etc/cp-release | cut -c 13- | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/\s*$//g'`; case `echo ${OS#*R*}` in 77.30|80.10|80.20|80.20SP|80.30|80.30SP|80.40|81|81.00) ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS"; exit 1; esac
I added it to the string
OS=`cat /etc/cp-release | cut -c 13- | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/\s*$//g'`; case `echo ${OS#*R*}` in 77.30|80.10|80.20|80.20SP|80.30|80.30SP|80.40|81|81.00|81.10) ;; *) echo "Unsupported OS"; exit 1; esac
and now it seems to run. Haven't tested all the commands yet.
I'd wait for Danny to come back on this before distributing it to customers.