This oneliner will do the work for you.
Use this onliner to start easy a VPN debug without entering all debug commands by hand.
Shows you the results of the ike.elg file as live view.
echo 'echo "VPN Debug start"; function ctrl_c { vpn debug off; vpn debug ikeoff; vpn debug truncoff; echo "VPN Debug stop"; rm /tmp/vd; exit 0;}; trap ctrl_c INT; vpn debug trunc; vpn debug on; vpn debug ikeon; vpn debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5; echo -e "\e[7m"; echo " Stop VPN debug with CTRL-C "; echo -e "\e[0m"; tail -f $FWDIR/log/ike.elg;' > /tmp/vd; chmod 770 /tmp/vd; /tmp/vd
If the VPN error has occurred, you only need to stop the oneliner via CTRL-C.

Now you can find the usual debug files here:
More VPN oneliner:
- ONELINER - Easy VPN Debug
- ONELINER - Easy VPN Debug - with VPND live view
Use the tool with even more functions:
- Easy VPN Debug Tool
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