[Expert@MDS:0]# ./odumper.lin
Unofficial/Unsupported Object Dumper v2.4 - Developed by Martin Hoz
(c) 2003-2006 by Check Point Software Technologies, Inc.
*** WARNING!: Missing at least a required parameter: (-f) Input (objects) file
or (-p) Input (rules) file.
*** WARNING!: Missing a required parameter: (-o) Output file.
This program takes an Objects_5_0.C or rulebases_5_0.C file, and writes a
formatted CSV file (spreadsheet) that contains the objects you have on the
objects database and/or the rules you have on your rulebases.
You may open later this file with Microsoft Excel or any other alike
spreadsheet program.
Program syntax:
1) odumper.lin help (prints help pages)
2) odumper.lin -I (Interactive mode)
3) odumper.lin [-f file | -p file] -o file [-d] [-html] [-v]
-f specifies the path to the objects (Objects_5_0.C or objects.C)
file you want to process
-p specifies the path to the rulebases (rulebases_5_0.fws) file
you want to process
-o specified the path to the output formatted file you want to have
-d tells the program to also print the default objects - Optional
-html formats the output to HTML (instead of default CSV format) - Optional
-v activates verbose mode
file is a valid filename - such as output.txt, output.html or objects.C
Required parameters: (-f and/or -p) and -o
No valid objects were processed! - Thank you for using Object Dumper v2.4!
[Expert@MDS:0]# ./ofiller.lin
Unofficial/Unsupported Object Filler v2.4 - Developed by Martin Hoz
(c) 2003-2006 by Check Point Software Technologies, Inc.
Missing Object type specification (-t)
Missing Initial IP (-s)
Missing Final (Ending) IP (-d)
Missing Mask length (-m)
Missing Output file (-o|-a)
*** WARNING!: Missing at least 1 required parameter. Please verify the syntax
and try again...
This program helps you populate your Check Point SmartCenter server by
producing CLI commands you can directly execute using DBedit in batch mode.
Program syntax:
1) ofiller.lin help (prints help pages - with examples)
2) ofiller.lin -I (Interactive mode)
3) ofiller.lin -f file -i input [-o|-a] file [-c color] [-t type]
[-p policy] [-nopv] [-nonat] [-v]
4) ofiller.lin -t type -s ip -d ip -m mask [-c color]
[-n ip | -ns ip -nd ip -nm mask] [-b obj] [-o|-a] file [-v]
Where valid (case sensitive in all cases) switches input examples are:
file is a valid filename - such as myfile.csv or output.txt
policy is a valid imported policy name - such as imp_pol or my_policy
input is the type of input configuration - csv, list, hosts, pix, netscreen,
gauntlet, sidewinder, raptor, ciscorouter
ip is a valid IP number - such as
type can be either host, plaingw, net, range, cpgw, ss, idevice, ose
ledge, lip40
mask is the mask length in bits. A number between 8 and 30
color can be black, blue, green, red, brown or others (see help)
obj it's an existing Check Point gateway object, for NAT purposes
Required parameters: (-f, -i and [-o|-a]) or (-t, -s, -d, -m and [-o|-a])
No valid objects were processed! - Thank you for using Object Filler v2.4!