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Easy Tool - Real time connection table analysis v4.0
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Overview |
From version R80.10 to version R81.10.
For many Check Point users the question arises again and again, which connections and services are used by a rule, a port, an destination IP or source IP in real time. For this purpose I have created a small tool, which all information about a rule can be read out in real time from the connection table.
This is good for optimizing the ruleset, as it provides a real-time view of the connection table with the corresponding info. This can be a good solution in more complex environments to see what this rule really do.
The following questions can be answered:
- In which rules is port 443 currently used?
- In which rules is the source or destination IP is used?
- Which connections, ports, protocols and are active for rule xy?
- How many connections are there for rule xy in the TCP SYN, ACK or FIN state?
- How can I simplify rules and combine them, for example, into class C or B networks?
- What IP communication is there e.g. for port 80 or for the rule xy?
This tool will help you quickly answer these questions and many more.
Tool |
When you execute this oneliner, a new cli command "econn" will be created.
After that, you only need to execute the following cli command in expert mode with the parameters.
The output of the tool always show:
- Shows all rules to which the filter applies
- Shows all UDP and TCP ports to which the filter applies.
- Shows a summary of all TCP (SYN, Syn-ACK, ACK,FIN) , UDP, ICMP, VRRP, IGMP values for the filtered connections.
- Indicates which protocols are currently in use (TCP, UDP,...)
- Summary of all used Check Point services (https, echo-request, CPD_amon, FW1_log,...)
- Incoming and outgoing interface (eth0, bond1.10, ...)
- Check Point service names
- Formatted output of the connection table:
(rule, protoll ,source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, session timeout, TCP state, interface in and out, Check Point service)
Since version 3.0 VSX is supported:
On VSX systems, change to the corresponding virtual system with "vsenv" and execute "econn" on that VS system.
Filter Syntax | Description |
-a | Show the information about the complete connection table. |
-r <rule number> | Show the information about a specific rule with the corresponding rule number. Inline rules for example 2.1 are not possible. You can only use the base rule in this case 2. |
-p <port> | Show the information about a specific destination port with the corresponding port number. |
-d <destination IP> | Show the information about a specific destination IP with the corresponding IP. |
-s <source IP> | Show the information about a specific source IP with the corresponding IP. |
-g <grep parameter> |
Search filter for the corresponding grep parameters in the raw data of "fw ctl conntab". |
-e <grep parameter> |
Search filter for the corresponding grep parameters in the connection table output view. |
Delete Connections |
Description |
-x | Attention!!! This parameter deletes all connections from the connection table that match the filters. Grep parameters (-g) cannot be deleted in the combination with this option. This parameter is only available from R81 and higher. |
Output extension | Description |
-c | Shows the corresponding connection table entries. |
-t | Tip! Display possible class C and B networks where the corresponding IP addresses from the connection table would match. This function is good to simplify rules. |
-i | Displays only the summarized IP communication. Also used to simplify the set of rules. |
-n |
No summary output. |
File |
Description |
-w <file name> | Write connection table to file. |
-f <file name> |
Read connection table from file. Important! |
Examples |
Examples | Description |
# econn -r 10 -c | Shows all basic informations (used Ports, counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) to rule 10 and displays the appropriate connection table entries. |
# econn -a | Gives an overview of all connectiontabel entries (used ports, used protocols and counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...). |
# econn -p 443 -c | Displays all rules where port 443 is used and prints all connection table entries. |
# econn -d -c | Displays all rules where destination IP is used and gives an overview of all connection table entries (used ports, used protocols and counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) and prints all connection table entries. |
# econn -s -c | Displays all rules where source IP is used and gives an overview of all connection table entries (used ports, used protocols and counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) and prints all connection table entries. |
# econn -s |
Displays all rules where source IP range from to |
# econn -r 10 -t -i | Shows all basic informations to rule 10 and summarizes all IP addresses to possible class C and B networks and output the IP communication summed by source IP's. |
# econn -p 80 -t -i -c | Shows all possible informations to port 80 in the connection table: rules, connection summaries, used protocols and ports, grouped networks, IP communication |
# econn -p 443 -g SYN -c |
Shows all possible informations to port 443 in the connection table with "TCP SYN" state |
# econn -r 10 -p 53 -x | Attention!!! Delete all possible connections with port 53 in rule 10 in the connection table. |
# econn -w test -p 433 |
Write the connection table to tar file where port 443 is used. |
# econn -f test -c -e SYN |
Read the connection table from tar file and show the output with the filter view option for SYN. |
# econn -n -p 443 -e SYN_SENT |
Don't show the connection summary + show connection table for port 443 and TCP state SYN. |
Install Tool |
Use this auto installer script from "Spoiler" on the Firewall Gateway as CLI command in expert mode:
curl_cli -k http://www.ankenbrand24.de/inst_econn > /tmp/inst_econn && chmod 770 /tmp/inst_econn && /tmp/inst_econn
Or "copy and past" the following script block from "Spoiler" to your Firewall Gateway (in expert mode):
cat <<EOT > /usr/bin/econn
FILTER_GREP="-v 'fgsdg'";
ENTRIE_GREP="-v 'hgdfk'";
echo "" > /tmp/econn_ip.txt
echo -e "\e[7m";printf '%.s ' {1..132}; echo;
echo " Real time connection table analysis by Heiko Ankenbrand 2021 (v\$VERSION) ";
printf '%.s ' {1..132};echo -e "\e[0m";
IsGATEWAY=`cpprod_util FwIsFirewallModule`;
if [ \$IsGATEWAY != "1" ] ;
echo ;
echo "This is not a gateway!";
echo ;
exit 1;
while [[ \$# -gt 0 ]]
case \$key1 in
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Help overview";printf '%.s ' {1..118};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo "Filter Syntax"
echo " -a Show the information about the complete connection table.";
echo " -r <rule number> Show the information about a specific rule with the corresponding rule number.";
echo " -p <port> Show the information about a specific destination port with the corresponding port number.";
echo " -d <destination IP> Show the information about a specific destination IP with the corresponding IP.";
echo " -d <dIP_start-dIP_end> Show the information about a specific destination IP range with the corresponding IP.";
echo " -s <source IP> Show the information about a specific source IP with the corresponding IP.";
echo " -g <grep parameter> Filters the search for the corresponding grep parameters.";
echo ;
echo "Output extension";
echo " -c Shows the corresponding connection table entries.";
echo " -e Is an option that sets a grep filter only on the output of the connection table view.";
echo " -t Display possible class C and B networks where the corresponding IP addresses from ";
echo " the connection table would match. This function is good to simplify rules.";
echo " -i Displays only the summarized IP communication. Also used to simplify the set of rules.";
echo " -n No summary output";
echo ;
echo "Delete connection";
echo " -x Attention!!! This parameter deletes all connections from the connection table that match the "
echo " filters. Grep parameters (-g) cannot be deleted in the combination with this option.";
echo "File";
echo " -w <file name> Write connection table to file.";
echo " -f <file name> Read connection table from file.";
echo " Important!";
echo " Search filters only work when writing the file -w not with the option -f.";
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Examples";printf '%.s ' {1..123};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo "# econn -r 10 -c Shows all basic informations (used Ports, counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) to rule 10 and displays";
echo " the appropriate connection table entries.";
echo "# econn -a Gives an overview of all connectiontabel entries (used ports, used protocols and counter";
echo " TCP/UDP/ICMP...)";
echo "# econn -p 443 -c Displays all rules where port 443 is used and prints all connection table entries.";
echo "# econn -d -c Displays all rules where destination IP is used and gives an overview of all ";
echo " connection table entries (used ports, used protocols and counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) and";
echo " prints all connection table entries.";
echo "# econn -s -c Displays all rules where source IP is used and gives an overview of all connection";
echo " table entries (used ports, used protocols and counter TCP/UDP/ICMP...) and prints all";
echo " connection table entries.";
echo "# econn -s Displays all rules where source IP range from to";
echo "# econn -r 10 -t -i Shows all basic informations to rule 10 and summarizes all IP addresses to possible";
echo " class C and B networks and output the IP communication summed by source IP's.";
echo "# econn -p 80 -t -i -c Shows all possible informations to port 80 in the connection table: rules, connection ";
echo " summaries, used protocols and ports, grouped networks, IP communication.";
echo "# econn -p 443 -g SYN -c Shows all possible informations to port 443 in the connection table with 'TCP SYN' state";
echo "# econn -r 10 -p 53 -x Attention!!! Delete all possible connections with port 53 in rule 10 in the connection table.";
echo "# econn -w test -p 433 Write the connection table to tar file where port 443 is used.";
echo "# econn -f test Read the connection table from tar file and show the output.";
echo "# econn -f test -c -e SYN Read the connection table from tar file and show the output with the filter view option for SYN.";
echo "# econn -n -p 443 -e SYN_SENT Don't show the connection summary + show connection table for port 443 and TCP state SYN.";
exit 1;
FILTER="\$FILTER -sip=\$key";
SUCHEN="\$SUCHEN Source IP=\$key ";
FILTER="\$FILTER -dip=\$key";
SUCHEN="\${SUCHEN}Destination IP=\$key ";
FILTER="\$FILTER -dport=\$key";
SUCHEN="\${SUCHEN}DPort=\$key ";
SUCHEN="Complete connection table!";
FILTER="\$FILTER -rule=\$key";
SUCHEN="\${SUCHEN}Rule=\$key ";
SUCHEN="\${SUCHEN}GREP='\$key' ";
if [ "x\$ENTRIE_GREP" = "x" ]
echo "Parameter -e not correct set!";
ENTRIE_GREP="-v dsfgdsj";
POSITIONAL+=("\$1") # save it in an array for later
shift # past argument
if [ \$FILE_FY == "1" ] ;
if test -f "\$FILE_F";
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Read connection table from tar archive";printf '%.s ' {1..93};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo "Read file : \$FILE_F";
tar xzfP \$FILE_F;
if [ ! -f /tmp/econn_ports ]; then
echo "File /tmp/econn_ports not found in tar!";
exit 1;
if [ ! -f /tmp/econn_ip.txt ]; then
echo "File /tmp/econn_ip.txt not found in tar!";
exit 1;
if [ ! -f /tmp/econn_if ]; then
echo "File /tmp/econn_if not found in tar!";
exit 1;
echo -n "CT entries : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | wc -l;
echo "File \$FILE_F not exist";
exit 1;
fw ctl conntab \$FILTER 2>&1 |grep \$FILTER_GREP | grep -v "Got NULL" |grep -v "gen_services_array Failed" | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#' > /tmp/econn_ip.txt;
fw ctl iflist > /tmp/econn_if;
if test -f "\$FWDIR/state/__tmp/FW1/local.set"; then
more \$FWDIR/state/__tmp/FW1/local.set | grep srv_name | awk '{split(\$0,a,","); print a[1] " " a[3];}' | sed -e 's/: (\"//g' > /tmp/econn_ports;
if [ \$FILE_Y == "1" ] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Write connection table to tar archive";printf '%.s ' {1..94};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -n "Search filter : \$SUCHEN";
tar -czf \$FILE_W -P /tmp/econn_ip.txt /tmp/econn_if /tmp/econn_ports;
echo -n "Connection table entries : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | wc -l;
echo "Written in file : \$FILE_W";
echo ;
exit 1;
if [ \$SHOW_SUM == "1" ] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Connection Summary";printf '%.s ' {1..113};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -n "Search : \$SUCHEN";
vsx_system=\`fw vsx stat 2>&1 | grep -c "VSX is not supported"\`
echo ;
if [ \$vsx_system == "0" ]
echo -n "VSX VS : ";
vsx_vsenv1=\`vsx get | awk '{split(\$0,a,"("); sub(/ID /, "", a[2]); sub(/)./, "", a[2]); print a[2]; }'\`
echo "\$vsx_vsenv1"
echo -n "Rules : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#' | awk '{printf "%s, \n", \$1}' 2>&1 | grep -v -E '^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' |grep -v '0,' | sort -n | uniq | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/0000002f/GRE/g' | sed -e 's/00000070/VRRP/g' | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1\t/' | sed -e 's/^, //g'
echo ;
echo -n "Protocoll : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#' | awk '{printf "%s, \n", \$6}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/0000002f/GRE/g' | sed -e 's/00000070/VRRP/g' | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1\t/' | sed -e 's/^, //g'
echo -n "Used Ports : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#' | awk '{printf "%s %s, \n", \$5, \$6}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/0000002f/GRE/g' | sed -e 's/00000070/VRRP/g' | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1\t/' | sed -e 's/^ , //g' | sed -e 's/0 ICMP, //g' | sed -e 's/0 IGMP, //g' | sed -e 's/0 VRRP, //g'
echo -e "\n\e[6m";echo -n " Counter";printf '%.s ' {1..124};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -n ' TCP : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'TCP' |wc -l;
echo -n ' TCP SYN : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'SYN_SENT' |wc -l;
echo -n ' SYN-ACK : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'SYN_ACK' |wc -l;
echo -n ' ACK : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'ESTAB' |wc -l;
echo -n ' FIN : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'FIN' |wc -l;
echo -n ' UDP : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'UDP' |wc -l
echo -n ' ICMP : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'ICMP' |wc -l;
echo -n ' IGMP : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep 'IGMP' |wc -l;
echo -n ' VRRP : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep '00000070)' |wc -l;
echo -n ' GRE : ';more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | grep '0000002f)' |wc -l;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Interface";printf '%.s ' {1..122};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -n "Incomming : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[4];}' |grep in | sort |uniq > /tmp/econn_in
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[5];}' |grep in | sort |uniq >> /tmp/econn_in
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[6];}' |grep in | sort |uniq >> /tmp/econn_in
more /tmp/econn_in | sort |uniq| awk '{split(\$1,c,"=") ;system("cat /tmp/econn_if |grep ^"c[2] ); }' | awk '{split(\$0,d,":") ;print "," d[2] ;}' |sort | uniq| tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/^, //g'
echo -n "Outgoing : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[4];}' |grep out | sort |uniq > /tmp/econn_out
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[5];}' |grep out | sort |uniq >> /tmp/econn_out
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ;print b[6];}' |grep out | sort |uniq >> /tmp/econn_out
more /tmp/econn_out | sort |uniq| awk '{split(\$1,c,"=") ;system("cat /tmp/econn_if |grep ^"c[2] ); }' | awk '{split(\$0,d,":") ;print "," d[2] ;}' |sort |uniq | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/^, //g'
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Services";printf '%.s ' {1..123};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -n "CP Service : ";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ; print b[3];}' |grep service |grep -v "(" | sort |uniq > /tmp/econn_service_used
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ; print b[4];}' |grep service |grep -v "(" | sort |uniq >> /tmp/econn_service_used
more /tmp/econn_service_used | sort |uniq| awk '{split(\$1,c,"=") ;system("cat /tmp/econn_ports |grep ^"c[2] ); }' | awk '{split(\$0,b," ") ; print ", " b[2];}' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/^, //g' > /tmp/econn_service_used_all
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ; print b[3];}' |grep service |grep "(" |sort |uniq | awk '{split(\$1,s2,"("); sub(/)/, "[[:blank:]]",s2[2]); service_id="^"s2[2]; system("cat /tmp/econn_ports |egrep "service_id)}' |awk '{split(\$0,b," ") ; print ", " b[2];}' | tr -d '\n' >> /tmp/econn_service_used_all
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{split(\$0,a,";"); print a[2];}' | awk '{split(\$0,b,",") ; print b[4];}' |grep service |grep "(" |sort |uniq | awk '{split(\$1,s2,"("); sub(/)/, "[[:blank:]]",s2[2]); service_id="^"s2[2]; system("cat /tmp/econn_ports |egrep "service_id)}' |awk '{split(\$0,b," ") ; print ", " b[2];}' | tr -d '\n' >> /tmp/econn_service_used_all
more /tmp/econn_service_used_all | sed -e 's/, FW1_omi-sic(40)//g' | sed -e 's/^, //g'
if [ \$SHOW_CONN == "1" ] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Connection Table";printf '%.s ' {1..115};echo -e "\e[0m";
echo -e "\nRule Proto Source IP S-Port Destination IP D-Port Timeout State Interface in Interface out Service";
printf '%.s-' {1..160};
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk -f /opt/etool/script/econn_awk1 -v vsx_system="\$vsx_system" | sort -n | sed 's/^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/-imp->/g' | grep \$ENTRIE_GREP;
if [ \$SHOW_GROUPED == "1" ] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Grouped by";printf '%.s ' {1..121};echo -e "\e[0m";
# printf '%.s-' {1..50};echo -e "\nGrouped by ";printf '%.s-' {1..50};
echo -e "\nSource Class C Networks:";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk '{split(\$2,a,"."); printf "\t%s.%s.%s.0\n", a[1],a[2],a[3]}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | sed -e 's/\.\.\.0//g' | sed -e 's/\.\.0\.0//g'
echo -e "\nSource Class B Networks:";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk '{split(\$2,a,"."); printf "\t%s.%s.0.0\n", a[1],a[2],a[3]}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | sed -e 's/\.\.\.0//g' | sed -e 's/\.\.0\.0//g'
echo -e "\nDestination Class C Networks:";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk '{split(\$4,a,"."); printf "\t%s.%s.%s.0\n", a[1],a[2],a[3]}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | sed -e 's/\.\.\.0//g' | sed -e 's/\.\.0\.0//g'
echo -e "\nDestination Class B Networks:";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk '{split(\$4,a,"."); printf "\t%s.%s.0.0\n", a[1],a[2],a[3]}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | sed -e 's/\.\.\.0//g' | sed -e 's/\.\.0\.0//g'
if [ \$SHOW_IP == "1" ] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " IP to IP";printf '%.s ' {1..124};echo -e "\e[0m\n";
more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/)\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#' | awk '{printf "%15s -> \t%15s \n", \$2,\$4}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq
if [ \$DEL_CONN == "1" ] ;
OS=`cat /etc/cp-release | cut -c 17- | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/\s*\$//g' | cut -c -3 | grep -c '^R8[1-9]'`
if [[ \$OS == "1" ]] ;
if [[ \$FILTER_GREP == *"fgsdg"* ]] ;
echo -e "\e[6m";echo -n " Delete Connections";printf '%.s ' {1..114};echo -e "\e[0m\n";
echo ">>>> ATTENTION <<<<"
echo "This will clear all the connections matching the filter in the connection table!!!"
echo -n "Are you sure (yes/no)? [n] "
read DEL_CONN_1
if [[ \$DEL_CONN_1 == "yes" ]] || [[ \$DEL_CONN_1 == "y" ]] ;
echo -n "Are you really sure you want to do this (yes/no)? [n] "
if [ -f /var/log/econn_delete_connections.txt ];
rm /var/log/econn_delete_connections.txt 2>&1> /dev/null;
echo "###########################################################################################################";
echo "There is currently a bug in R81 and R80.10. This means"
echo "that deleting does not work correctly, because the filters"
echo "do not match. Therefore I have disabled the function."
echo "fw ctl contab \$FILTER";
echo "More read here:"
echo "https://community.checkpoint.com/t5/General-Topics/fw-ctl-contab-x-issue-in-R81-10/m-p/128288#M23421"
echo "###########################################################################################################";
exit 1;
fw ctl conntab \$FILTER: > /var/log/econn_delete_connections.txt;
more /var/log/econn_delete_connections.txt | grep "Nothing done." | sed -e 's/Are you sure (yes\/no)? \[n\] //g'
echo "All deleted connections respectively the result are listed in the following file:"
echo "/var/log/econn_delete_connections.txt";
echo "Nothing done.";
echo "You have set grep filter. This does not work with deleting the connections!";
echo "Nothing done.";
echo "-x is only posible in R81 and above!"
[ -d "/opt/etool" ] || mkdir /opt/etool;
[ -d "/opt/etool/script" ] || mkdir /opt/etool/script;
cat <<EOT > /opt/etool/script/econn_awk1
where=match(\$4, "TCP");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state=\$8; service=\$9 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="TCP"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$10;if_out=\$11; where=match(\$13, "out"); if (where !=0) {if_out=\$13 } } ;
where=match(\$4, "UDP");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state="state=---"; service=\$7 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="UDP"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$8;if_out=\$9; where=match(\$11, "out"); if (where !=0) {if_out=\$11 } } ;
where=match(\$4, "0000002f");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state="state=---"; service=\$7 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="GRE"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$8;if_out=\$9} ;
where=match(\$4, "00000070");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state="state=---"; service=\$7 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="VRRP"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$8;if_out=\$9} ;
where=match(\$4, "ICMP");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state="state=---"; service=\$7 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="ICMP"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$8;if_out=\$9; where=match(\$11, "out"); if (where !=0) {if_out=\$11 } };
where=match(\$4, "IGMP");
if (where !=0) { rule=\$6 ; state="state=---"; service=\$7 ; timer =\$5 ; proto="IGMP"; dst=\$3; src=\$2; if_in=\$8;if_out=\$9; where=match(\$11, "out"); if (where !=0) {if_out=\$11 } };
sub(/,/, "", service);
where=match(\$service, ")");
if (where !=0) {split(service,s1,"("); service=s1[2];sub(/)/, "", service);}
where=match(\$9, "in");
if (where !=0) { if_in=\$9};
where=match(\$10, "in");
if (where !=0) { if_in=\$10};
where=match(\$11, "in");
if (where !=0) { if_in=\$11};
where=match(\$9, "out");
if (where !=0) { if_out=\$9};
where=match(\$10, "out");
if (where !=0) { if_out=\$10};
where=match(\$11, "out");
if (where !=0) { if_out=\$11};
where=match(\$12, "out");
if (where !=0) { if_out=\$12};
where=match(\$13, "out");
if (where !=0) { if_out=\$13};
src_p=h1[2] ;
sub(/,/, "", state);
sub(/,/, "", rule);
sub(/,/, "", timer);
sub(/,/, "", service);
sub(/\[/, "", src_ip);
sub(/\[/, "", dst_ip);
sub(/\]/, "", src_p);
sub(/\]/, "", dst_p);
sub(/,/, "", if_in);
sub(/,/, "", if_out);
read_file_into_array("/tmp/econn_if", File);
where=match(\$service, ")");
if (where ==0) {
read_file_into_array1("/tmp/econn_ports", File1);
else {
if (length(if_out_last) <= 0) {if_out_last="---";}
if (length(if_in_last) <= 0) {if_in_last="---";}
if (length(service_last) <= 0) {service_last="---";}
if (proto == "icmp") { dst_p="---"; src_p="---"; }
printf "%.6s \t%6s \t%15s \t%6s \t%15s \t%6s \t%10s \t%11s \t%10s \t%10s \t%.15s \n", rule, proto, src_ip, src_p, dst_ip, dst_p, timer, state , if_in_last, if_out_last, service_last ;
proto="" ;
dst="" ;
function read_file_into_array(file, array ,status, record, count ) {
count = 0;
while (1) {
status = getline record < file
if (status == -1) {
print "Failed to read file " file;
exit 1;
if (status == 0) break;
sub(/ /, "", r[1]);
array[r[1]] = r[2];
return count
function read_file_into_array1(file, array ,status, record, count ) {
count = 0;
while (1) {
status = getline record < file
if (status == -1) {
print "Failed to read file " file;
exit 1;
if (status == 0) break;
split(record,r," ");
sub(/ /, "", r[1]);
array[r[1]] = r[2];
return count
chmod 770 /usr/bin/econn
chmod 770 /opt/etool/script/econn_awk1
Version |
0.1 08-08-2021 - oneliner to show all connection table entries
(ONELINER - Formatted Connection Table)
0.9 08-12-2021 - Bugs fixed
1.0 08-26-2021 - Version v1.0 - This version only shows info about certain rules
(Easy Tool - Real time rule analysis v1.0)
2.0 08-25-2021 - New version for filtering by rule, port, dst IP and src IP
2.1 08-26-2021 - Bugs fixed
2.2 08-27-2021 - Add -g grep parameter
2.3 08-28-2021 - Add -x delete parameter
(This parameter is only available from R81 and higher.)
2.4 08-28-2021 - There is currently a bug in R81 and R81.10 with "fw ctl conntab -x -rule=3"
Therefore I have disabled this function -x.
('fw ctl contab -x' issue in R81.10)
2.5 09-01-2021 - Bugs fixed (conn issue)
2.6 09-08-2021 - Incoming and outgoing interface added
2.7 09-09-2021 - Check Point service names added
2.8b 09-09-2021 - Bugs fixed
( --> more \$FWDIR/state/__tmp/FW1/ )
2.9 09-10-2021 - Now with extended connection table view:
incoming interface, outgoing interface, Check Point service name
2.9i 09-10-2021 - Bugs fixed
(ICMP issues, interface issue, Check Point service issue)
3.0 09-11-2021 - VSX support
3.1 09-11-2021 - Bugs fixed
(option -g issue, VSX "fw ctl conntab" issue)
3.2 09-12-2021 - Bugs fixed
( option -r /-s /-d /-p /-g issue)
3.3 09-13-2021 - Design modification
4.0 09-15-2021 - File read and write, added -n no summary output
4.0f 09-16-2021 - Performance optimization of the script for large connection tables.
4.0g 09-23-2021 - Add -h option
4.0h 14-11-2021 - Performance optimization for VSX environments
Overview |
From version R80.10 to version R81.10.
For many Check Point users the question arises again and again, which connections and services are used by a rule, a port, an destination IP or source IP in real time. For this purpose I have created a small tool, which all information about a rule can be read out in real time from the connection table.
This is good for optimizing the ruleset, as it provides a real-time view of the connection table with
...;Disclaimer: Check Point does not provide maintenance services or technical or customer support for third party content provided on this Site, including in CheckMates Toolbox. See also our Third Party Software Disclaimer.
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Hi @HeikoAnkenbrand
The script simplifies the search in the connection table.
Great idea and thanks for your great contributions.
Small note:
Unfortunately, the use of multiple filters -p 53 -d does not work.
The script simplifies the search in the connection table.
Great idea and thanks for your great contributions.
Small note:
Unfortunately, the use of multiple filters -p 53 -d does not work.
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Hi @Reimar_W,
I reworked this in the script and it now works with multiple filter parameters.
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It's really cool how you can browse with this tool in the connection tabel.
This allows you to get information quickly and easily.
Great job
It's really cool how you can browse with this tool in the connection tabel.
This allows you to get information quickly and easily.
Great job
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Hi @HeikoAnkenbrand,
nice solution.
What is the state "conn" in the output?
Hi @HeikoAnkenbrand,
nice solution.
What is the state "conn" in the output?
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Hi @Power_Support
Bug is fixed in version 2.5!
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Great tool @HeikoAnkenbrand . How about VSX, known problems ?
Great tool @HeikoAnkenbrand . How about VSX, known problems ?
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Hi @Wolfgang,
The script is very complex and I try to integrate VSX. However, one or two functions are not yet VSX compatible.
Please give me another week or two 😉
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Hi Heiko,
You could add a small option for the top rules using cpstat blades and take the 5 rules and show them .
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Hi @Wolfgang,
After a weekend with a lot of programming work I made the script VSX compatible.
You only need to run the command in a VS instance:
# vsenv xy
# econn ...
Now the VS instance should be displayed as shown in the picture:
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work like a charm with VSX. Saved me a lot of time at the moment investigating a problem with some connections.
work like a charm with VSX. Saved me a lot of time at the moment investigating a problem with some connections.
👍 👍
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From version 2.9 with extended connection table view:
+ Incoming interface
+ Outgoing interface
+ Check Point service name
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got a few errors (r80.20 hf take188) Yes, I know it's "old". 🙂
using -t -i -c
awk: fatal: can't open source file `/opt/etool/script/econn_awk1' for reading (No such file or directory)
Incomming : sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `cat /tmp/econn_if |grep ^domain-udp(122)'
got a few errors (r80.20 hf take188) Yes, I know it's "old". 🙂
using -t -i -c
awk: fatal: can't open source file `/opt/etool/script/econn_awk1' for reading (No such file or directory)
Incomming : sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 0: `cat /tmp/econn_if |grep ^domain-udp(122)'
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Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand
In case of inline rules the -r flag doesn't seem to work. For a example for a rule 2.1,2.2 etc.
-r <rule number> | Show the information about a specific rule with the corresponding rule number. |
Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand
In case of inline rules the -r flag doesn't seem to work. For a example for a rule 2.1,2.2 etc.
-r <rule number> | Show the information about a specific rule with the corresponding rule number. |
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Hi @KostasGR,
I use the command "fw ctl conntab" to display the connection tab. Unfortunately this does not support inline rules. Therefore, you can only use the basic inline layer rule. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed technically.
Here is an example from my lab environment:
fw ctl conntab -r 3
Output tool
Hi @KostasGR,
I use the command "fw ctl conntab" to display the connection tab. Unfortunately this does not support inline rules. Therefore, you can only use the basic inline layer rule. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed technically.
Here is an example from my lab environment:
fw ctl conntab -r 3
Output tool
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would like to try this, but I get:
/bin/econn: line 10: [[: $#: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "$#")
fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R80.40 - Build 124
uname -a
Linux hostname 3.10.0-957.21.3cpx86_64 #1 SMP Sun Apr 18 18:41:00 IDT 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
would like to try this, but I get:
/bin/econn: line 10: [[: $#: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "$#")
fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R80.40 - Build 124
uname -a
Linux hostname 3.10.0-957.21.3cpx86_64 #1 SMP Sun Apr 18 18:41:00 IDT 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Great job.
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Version 4.0 is now available with many new features:
- VSX Support
- Write connection table to file
- Read connection table from file
- No summary output (option -n)
- Search filter for the corresponding grep parameters in the connection table view output.
Version 4.0 is now available with many new features:
- VSX Support
- Write connection table to file
- Read connection table from file
- No summary output (option -n)
- Search filter for the corresponding grep parameters in the connection table view output.
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Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand,
first of all a big thank you for another great tool here for the CheckMates community.
The script runs on all our gateways. It is a bit slow with more than 100K connection table entries.
But otherwise a great solution.
Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand,
first of all a big thank you for another great tool here for the CheckMates community.
The script runs on all our gateways. It is a bit slow with more than 100K connection table entries.
But otherwise a great solution.
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In the last few days I have spent a lot of time optimizing the code. Now even larger connection tabs should be output in a reasonable time.
From version 4.0e I will optimize the script code a bit more.
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In the latest version 4.0g the script is performance optimized. Therefore, connection tabs larger than 100K can be displayed quickly.
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Hi Heiko, Just tried pasting in the script and got this:
Real time connection table analysis by Heiko Ankenbrand 2021 (v4.0)
/usr/bin/econn: line 308: syntax error near unexpected token `\$2,a,"."'
/usr/bin/econn: line 308: ` more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]in\=[0-9]*//g' | sed -e 's/Ifn[c,s]out\=[0-9]*//g' | egrep -v '^\s*$|^#'| awk '{split(\$2,a,".")'; printf "\t%s.%s.%s.0\n", a[1],a[2],a[3]}' 2>&1 | sort -n | uniq | sed -e 's/\.\.\.0//g' | sed -e 's/\.\.0\.0//g''
Hi Heiko, Just tried pasting in the script and got this:
Real time connection table analysis by Heiko Ankenbrand 2021 (v4.0)
/usr/bin/econn: line 308: syntax error near unexpected token `\$2,a,"."'
/usr/bin/econn: line 308: ` more /tmp/econn_ip.txt | awk '{print \$6 " "\$2 \$3 \$4 " "\$5 " "\$8}' | sed -e 's/src=//g' | sed -e 's/\],dest=\[/ /g' | sed -e 's/\],/ /g' | sed -e 's/\;//g' | sed -e 's/\[//g' | sed -e 's/rule\=/ /g' | sed -e 's/\,/ /g' | sed -e 's/state\=/ /g' | sed -
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Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand,
Nice tool.
I sometimes get a grep bug in the ports section!
Hello @HeikoAnkenbrand,
Nice tool.
I sometimes get a grep bug in the ports section!