Hi, we have a situation on this customer and we want to know what are our options. (I made a drawing with the topology for better understanding)
They have a Mgmt server in the main office, we created a dummy object on smartconsole to represent the external IP adress of their MGmt server, to reach the internet, the traffic from the Mgmt server goes thru the internal checkpoint cluster, that has 3 IPS configured.
This Mgmt server communicates with the centrally managed SMB appliances via its external IP address. the issue is that on the SMB appliances we can only put 1 Mgmt ip address, but when this specific ISP goes down on the main office, we lose management of the SMB appliaces, because they all are configured to talk to a single IP of the Mgmt server.
The question is: what can we do in this scenario? is it possible to put more than 1 Mgmt IP adresses on the SMB firewalls?