So, TL;DR:
1) Are there any settings, configurations, service modifications that will make Wifi calling work and work well?
2) Is there a way to prevent the firewall from remapping source ports in NAT, particularly for this UDP 500 and UDP4500 traffic?
I am having issues with one of my remote remote sites where the folks down there depend on wifi calling since cell service is so bad.
They've gone through quite a few network changes as of late, including a forklift replacement of their network with Aruba gear and a change of gateways from a 4200 appliance to a pair of 1490s.
So, wifi calling sucks. Can't connect most of the time and when they do the quality is terrible. The firewall is allowing the UDP 500 and 4500 traffic out as expected but still they report issues.
I found an article written by/for the SonicWall folks that claim that the changing of the source port during NAT will negatively affect Wifi calling. There is a specific setting that makes that traffic maintain its source port. I have ticket open with Check Point support, and they don't think that this port remap should be causing an issue, and since these folks were behind a different Check Point previously, I am inclined to agree. The local tech staff for the remote site are opening a ticket with the wireless vendor as well. But...
I'd still like to test and see if I can get it to improve. Unfortunately I can't find how to get the damned firewall from changing the source port.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: They are on Aruba wireless not on the wireless on the appliance itself.