It would be the best to seek assistance from your Check Point partner, but you can also try doing everything yourself. Please look here: specifically on how to generate and apply license on SMB box:
Small-Medium Business Appliances (SMB)
For Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB), the designated evaluation license option is "Threat Prevention Evaluation."
When you select this option, you are prompted to select the User Center account associated with the SMB device. In addition, the user that creates the evaluation license must be linked to the specified User Center account. Enter the MAC address of the SMB device during this process.
When finished, the evaluation blades are integrated into the specified SMB device. Subsequently, the license for the SMB device must be generated and applied.
From the screenshot above, I believe you generated the wrong evaluation license.
In order to apply the newly generate license, follow the admin guide and the relevant chapter:
To renew your regular license, you must reach out to your local Check Point office or a local Check Point partner