You do not give details of what you try to do here - on SMB, no MAB Portal is available, so you only have SNX /SSL VPN RA clients and SSL VPN Bookmarks (links or RDP). You are unable to activate MAB in Dashboard, all you can do is activate SNX RA VPN clients in VPN Clients > Other. This is also true for R80.20.01 15x0 devices !
Check Point R77.20.xx for 600 / 700 / 1100 / 1200R / 1400 / 910 Appliance Features and Known Limitations &
Check Point R80.20 for 1500 Appliances Features and Known Limitations :
Mobile Access Blade |
Partial |
Partial |
All |
- Remote access clients are supported (Endpoint, SNX).
- Mobile Access Web Portal is not supported.
CCSE / CCTE / CTPS / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist