Unfortunately i don't know right category for my question... Sorry!
I have CheckPoint 600 Appliance with R77.20.20 firmware. There is a proble like https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solut..., but "To view this solution, Advanced access is required"... Pity.
I consider that this ploblem seemsed like ARP Flux, so sulution can be "sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=2", byt this work only before reboot... For a standard linux you should write this config to /etc/sysctl.conf for permanently save. But CheckPoint is not a standard linux, and have no /etc/sysctl.conf (if i've create it, checkpoint dont read that).
Whot shoul i do to save "net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=2" config permanently???