Hi, please help me.
I am trying to perform a SCV check where I need a registry check. This is to distinguish Harmony VPN clients from regular EndpointSecurity VPN clients.
In the local.csv file, I have added this check:
: (RegMonitor
:type (plugin)
:parameters (
:string ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CheckPoint\TRAC\client_sub_type=EndpointSecurity")
:begin_admin (admin)
:send_log (alert)
:mismatchmessage ("Access denied. You must use the Harmony Endpoint client.")
:end (admin)
I also tried different variations of writing the registry path and this is what tech support sent me

Policy Server is enabled, Desktop Security is added to policies, but no matter how hard I try I can't figure out what my error is.
The problem is that it's like scv is not being applied. and a normal client can still connect.
Thanks in advance for any ideas!