Yes, there is and it actually has absolutely zero to do with endpoint version. Its in global properties and its refered to below.
Hope that helps.
To configure tunnel idleness:
1. Connect to the Security Management Server with GuiDBedit.
2. Open the Global Properties > properties > firewall_properties object.
3. Find disconnect_on_idle and these parameters:
• do_not_check_idleness_on_icmp_packets
• do_not_check_idleness_on_these_services - Enter the port numbers for the services that you want to ignore when idleness is checked.
• enable_disconnect_on_idle - to enable the feature
• idle_timeout_in_minutes
4. Save and install the policy.
Btw, there is ping option there you can change, so if user is somewhat savvy, they can always keep pinging say google dns in cmd and tunnel will NEVER time out, though its supposed to say after 60 mins (just as an example)