Every time I upgrade a gateway with MAB activaetd, I have the problem how to manage the upgrade request that the users have when they connect to the MAB for the first time.
The issue is related the users are request to upgrade their MAB components (SNXDeploymentShell is the first), but they haven't admin right on their own computer.
the result is the users are request to insert administrator credential otherwise they cannot connect to VPN.
In many environment I don't have a software distribution solution for pushing the new version on remote computers and manually, one-by-one, I need to insert admin credential for going on.
today, for this reason, about 200 users weren't able to connect to VPN.
In addition, before the upgrade, I don't have the right version of the MAB components because I'm able to retrieve them only when I have a gateway updated.
No option to disable the force to update the components.
I'd like to understand how you approach to the gateway upgrade and why CKP won't include the capability to choose if I want to upgrade the components or not.