I want to monitor current mobile vpn users connected via SNMP.
I have the following issue, the difference between the snmp and the ssh command:
[Expert@DC1FWCHP01:0]# fw tab -t userc_users -s
localhost userc_users 153 94 97 0
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (18 ms) : SNMP V2c
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (23 ms) : Custom OID
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (31 ms) : SNMP Datatype: ASN_OCTET_STR
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (36 ms) : -------
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (41 ms) : Value: 285
08-Jul-20 13:01:47 (46 ms) : Done
Someone has an explanation for this?
For some weeks the SNMP was giving the correct information, since a week it is giving way higher and incorrect numbers